Sunday, September 27, 2009

Monday We Shoot!

Main Entry: am·bi·tious
Pronunciation: \am-ˈbi-shəs\
Function: adjective
Date: 14th century

1 a : having or controlled by ambition b : having a desire to achieve a particular goal : aspiring

That's what I was called by one of my good clients when I told her I was gonna make a documentary on a woman who has 16 inch nails. Meet Ayanna. Yes that's her pic up there. Did you say GROSS or OMFG? I can lay money down that your first thought was how does she clean herself? Right? Do you really want to know?

Tomorrow I meet Ayanna for the first time. I am gonna do an evaluation, remove some polish and Minx one of her nails for a YouTube video. This will be the first of many videos that will be part of a 7 month documentary on Ayanna's lifestyle including her nail appointments. By the time April gets here we go to Vegas for a convention for "Long Nail Beauties".

I hope my inexperience with a camcorder doesn't go "Blair witch" on ya but I'll give it my best. I def want to tell yall that Ayanna is a sweet heart and I AM FASCINATED with this entire project! I know you have questions so send them to and see if they are answered in my next YouTube video! Peace yall

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